Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Day Before Thanksgiving, Let The Scramble Begin

I slept in this morning.  Not my usual thing, but I was tired.  The boys stayed up late last night and they are all still asleep.  My husband is off at work and I snuggled with the kitty and gently rolled to see the clock.


Oh.  My.  God.

I have pies to bake, a store run to make, a house to clean because we have company tomorrow, a turkey breast to bake*, a pharmacy run, prepping breakfast to stick in the freezer, I have to track down our mail lady before she reaches the house in case Christmas packages arrive with kids home, and I have to tackle everything I need to do for the next several days because I DO NOT leave my house from Thanksgiving until the following Monday.

People are crazy.

It takes me a good hour before the coffee kicks in, that's usually when I'm writing.  Of course I have to re-write everything as the new cat likes to walk across my keyboard several times trying to get my attention.

So off I go to begin the harried experience of Thanksgiving for the next 36 hours.  Cooking, cleaning, cooking, cleaning, and then cooking & major cleaning which includes making room in the refrigerator for leftovers.  I should write booze on my to-get list.

Have a great Turkey Day everyone, enjoy your families, and thank the good in your life.  Try not to kill anyone during Black Friday sales.

* I have a house full of boys that pitch a FIT of there isn't enough turkey for leftovers through the weekend so I have to make enough white meat to last, therefore I cook ma breast today and a full bird tomorrow...

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