Saturday, November 24, 2012

Decked The Halls In A Haze

What is it about Christmas that makes us crazy?

Put the turkey away and you start twitching.  Where's the tree?  Why isn't the mistletoe hung?  Lights.  I need lights!


This year we have a new member of our family who turns one December 3rd, our kitten, Brady.  This means that all of our hand-blown beautiful Christmas ornaments are not coming out of the box.  

We're not even sure if the tree would stand up the entire season or if he'll attempt to reach the star on top...

Rule of thumb around here is do what you must to survive the weekend after Thanksgiving, because nobody leaves the house until the following Monday.  People are Black-Friday-Weekend insane.

So I made it through Thanksgiving before waking up on Friday completely crazy.  

"A new star, we need a bigger star!  We need plastic ornaments for the tree!  I must go to the craft store for more decorations!  I'm going to deck the Hell out of these halls!!"

I went to a Michael's on Black Friday.  I ended up on my cell phone cowering in an empty non-holiday corner calling my husband for help.

Then in thirty degrees and strong winds, in the dark, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, I dragged out the ladder and strung up lights, put out yard decorations and used an enormously unsafe amount of extension cords to light up our house for all the world to see.  

Or at least the passing airplanes to the airport three miles away (as the crow flies).

Today I feel confused and hungover.  What happened?  Where am I?  Ugh, coffee, I need coffee.....

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