Friday, May 24, 2013

People Stricken With Bias Blind Spot

The definition for this in some sort of professional terms are as follows:

The bias blind spot is the cognitive bias of failing to compensate for one's own cognitive biases.

Experts explained to subjects the better-than-average effect, the halo effect, self-serving bias and many other cognitive biases.  According to the better-than-average bias, specifically, people are likely to see themselves as inaccurately "better than average" for possible positive traits and "less than average" for negative traits.

What does that mean?  People who are of above average intelligence or book smart tend to be pompous (and annoying) smarty-pants and don't even realize it.

Everyone knows this person.  The one you can't stand to talk to.  

The one-upper.

The corrector.

The pain-in-the-butt who can hold a conversation completely on their own while snubbing you at the same time, as you look for the nearest exit door.

Apparently there is an actual named disorder for this effect and we should at least no longer feel guilty about hating this person, avoiding this person, or day-dreaming of running this person down with a Sherman tank.

Put two of these people alone in the same room and you'll have a scientific debate that would rival any presidential election, only using real words and biased arguments involving complex things such as string theories, art nuances, nuclear particle physics, and evolution vs. creationism.

By the way.  I'm one of those morons.  

I didn't even realize it until I came across an article describing the symptomatically forced verbal vomit they spew without consideration to those in their path to self-destruction.  

It's what makes my husband think I'm the smartest person he's ever met while simultaneously being the dumbest klutz with no common sense or filter between my brain and mouth...

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