Friday, April 19, 2013

Boston Bombing Suspects: One Dead, One On The Run

Two men (allegedly brothers) suspected in the Boston Marathon bombing that killed three people this week terrorized the area overnight. One is dead, but the other is on the loose, police say, and he's armed and dangerous.

Police pursued two men early Friday who shot a police officer to death, stole a vehicle and threw explosives at law officers pursuing them.  

Not exactly the actions of innocent men.  

One suspect was injured in a shootout with transit police and pronounced dead at a local hospital, according to a statement from the Massachusetts district attorney.

Police believe he could be suspect number 1 (we now know was named Tamerlan Tsarnaev) in the marathon bombings.

Police believe the man at large is "suspect number 2" in Monday's bombing. Federal, state and local law officers are swarming through the Boston suburb of Watertown in search of him.

(as people fled the scene, he calmly turned a corner)

A surveillance image of the fugitive resembles photos of one of the suspects sought for alleged involvement in the marathon attacks that killed three.

The image of the man with bushy, wavy black hair, a pronounced chin and nose, and a slight build matches photos circulated of the man in the white cap, carrying a backpack near the scene of Monday's bombing.

Police requested that people in the lockdown area turn off their cell phones. Authorities suspect cell phones were used to detonate the bombs that flung metal through the crowds at the marathon Monday.

(suspect number 1, on right, dead; suspect number 2 on left, still at large)

Suspect number 2, in my opinion, looks a lot like a blurry Patrick Dempsey (actually named Dzhokhar Tsarnaev).  You know, if he had a psychotic younger brother that liked to kill people...

Federal, state and local agencies are still investigating the marathon bombing.

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