Monday, March 25, 2013

James Rollins "The Devil Colony" Book Review

I've never heard of James Rollins, but saw this book in a bargain bin.  I have a thing for hardbacks, I'm just not a Nook kind of gal.  I thought I'd give it a try, but didn't have high hopes.

What a surprise!  I couldn't put it down.  Dan Brown has nothing on this guy when it comes to taking a little truth and turning it into a full-blown fiction thinker. I made every excuse I could to spend more time reading this one and I couldn't wait to see what the next turn would bring.

An easy read, nothing too deep or complicated, a good story, and flowed brilliantly.

Great characters, Meriwether Louis' murder, secret organizations, and North American links to the Lost Tribes of Israel all make this a fun and interesting story to keep you coming back for more.

I was watching the History Channel's America Unearthed and they were doing a series on something that paralleled this book and I got so excited because I learned that there were at least two people exploring the same theories.

This book is a cross between National Treasure and sort of an Americanized DaVinci Code

You won't regret this purchase and I look forward to reading more of his work!

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