Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Teleportation And My Need For Faster Development

I'm not stupid.  I do my Christmas shopping well in advance of the holiday season.  Black Friday shopping?  Not a chance!

Paying more is worth my sanity.

Except in this rare instance where a stroke of genius strikes and I get a gift idea for my husband I just can't pass up.  Now I'm not talking about leaving my safe haven and battling crowds, throwing elbows and tagging bumpers in traffic.  I ordered it online like a normal person who values my intellectual ability to remain calm rather than turning into a Mrs. Hyde over a scarf sale when I don't even wear scarves!

The problem?  Shipping during this season.  Like others, I got sucked into the "order now and receive free shipping" hype.   Ooooooh.  Free!

That was November 30th.

Today is December 19th and I'm still waiting with only five days left before Christmas and the status marked on my gift on the website?  Preparing shipment.


For the last three weeks it's said that.  I've called, I've emailed, I've pulled my hair out and yet the gift is still sitting there.  For seven dollars more it would be safely nestled under the tree and now it's turning into a Father's Day gift.

My Christmas delight is ruined.  If only teleportation was available.  Instant gratification.  Buy now, receive now.  That would be worth something!  No more waiting.  We had the telephone and now you take it wherever you go.

Letters?  Bah!  Email!!  Not home?  Those fancy new portable phones can get you your mail instantly.  But a treasured gift?!?

Preparing shipment...

Merry Christmas Free Shipping.  I hate you.  Does anyone have Santa's email address?


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