Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve And Staying Home Again

I think Y2K was the last time I was actually up at midnight and enjoying it.  Over the years with kids and life, we just get too tired to go out.  My husband and I often awakened to the sound of fireworks and a barking dog at midnight, wish each other a happy new year, then go back to sleep.

I went once to a club about seven years ago and the crush was unbearable. People pushing and shoving and getting stepped on with drinks ruining my suede shoes...

I swore never again.

I don't get the whole concept, maybe something iconic like Times Square, but to be trampled by barely 21's in an undersized bar with a DJ playing something I've never heard of with flashing lights making me think I'm having a seizure?

No thanks.

So I was up at the crack of dawn as always which makes it nearly impossible to stay up late, but I will try.  I'll try to watch the ball drop on tv with my family, but I have a feeling I'll be asleep long before the camera pans to the neon display.

So I'll just say Happy New Year to everyone now and hope that a happier year ahead awaits us all!

1 comment:

  1. So I was up at the crack of best coffee espresso machines dawn as always which makes it nearly impossible to stay up late, but I will try. I'll try to watch the ball drop on tv with my family, but I have a feeling I'll be asleep long before the camera pans to the neon display.
